Poor Isaiah!

I'd better just start with the important news. Poor Isaiah took ill last week and was spewing up everything that went down all day on Wednesday. Finally at tea time on Wednesday, Mommy took him to hospital and they kept us in overnight for observation - Daddy took Alex up to be with us too. Then on Thursday, Mommy and the boys got flown down to Aberdeen in the air ambulance. And on Friday, they diagnosed him with pyloric stenosis and he had a little operation to fix it. We got home again on Monday and he's doing well. Everyone at the Children's Hospital were amazing and both boys were on their best behaviour.

Here's Michaela with Alex.
And with Isaiah (before he was ill)

One night Daddy took Isaiah up to see Michaela's bedroom and Michaela let Isaiah into her bed!

Last Wednesday was the Toddlers Halloween party - here's Michaela with her best pal Cerys.

And on Halloween, Daddy took Michaela to the party at the Hall. She took her pumpkin with her and it won a prize for most artistic. Daddy is very proud of it.

Michaela is such a good big sister and she loves giving her brothers lots of kisses and cuddles. Here she is with Alex. Part of Isaiah's treatment is for him to have thickener before each breastfeed so that he can keep it down, so here's Granny Pat giving him his thickener. He takes it no bother, so we're hopeful he'll take some formula soon - Mommy's still feeding both boys and would like a break occasionally!
And here's Alex giving Mommy loads of smiles. He's really alert now, so it's such fun when you get lots of smiles and chats from him.
The health visitor came yesterday and weighed the boys. Since Isaiah's been ill, he lost some weight, but is starting to put it on. Even so, he's now 8lb 4oz and Alex is 9lb 4oz! They're still being really good boys, but are beginning to be a bit more demanding now that they're more alert. Mommy does struggle a bit with looking after all three kids, but help is always at hand, thank goodness! And we're lucky that Michaela is a really good little girl who is willing to help out if she can.