A new cousin and new glasses!

Saturday last week, Michaela was a little scamp and refused to have a nap during the day. Daddy tried to get her to sleep and then Mommy tried, but she just wouldn't nap. So, Daddy had to go out and Mommy got on with some much-needed housework while Michaela entertained herself. Then she got a bit grumpy, so Mommy sat with her a while watching TV (which she calls weewee - how cute!) and she seemed to be getting sleepy. But by now it was after 4pm and she's not allowed to nap late or we can't get her to sleep at night. Mommy went into the kitchen for a while and came back to find Michaela snoozing on the couch. Her little head was bobbing away and it was so cute to watch. Unfortunately, Mommy had to wake her, so poor little girl only had a ten minute nap!

And last Sunday, we were so pleased to have The Thomsons come to stay. Auntie Julie, Uncle Ingram and new baby cousin Lottie were on their way back home from Aberdeen and we had the pleasure of them staying with us for a night before they went back to Unst. Here's Auntie Julie with her new baby. Now Granny Pat and Grandad have 5 grand-daughters and no grandsons.
We had a house full of visitors come to see the new baby. Here's cousin Eve with baby Lottie.
Michaela has learned how to kick in the bathtub, which we're encouraging so she'll kick when we go to the swimming pool. She's pretty good at doing it in the bath, but she seems to not like to do it in the pool. But, she has been floating on her own with only her armbands for support in the pool, so we're still keeping up with swimming once a week.

And on Thursday, we went to get Michaela's new glasses. Michaela has a slight squint and the eye clinic has recommended these glasses to help correct it. We think she'll have another appointment in February/March to assess the progress. She's pretty good with her glasses, but we can't get her to wear them anywhere near as long as recommended - maybe that'll come with time. We had to order the smallest size they had and they're still a bit too big for her. Doesn't she look grown up with her glasses on?!

And this Saturday, Michaela was 18 months old! People say the time will pass quickly and we are certainly aware of that now. She loves to help out, so here she is helping carry a bucket up the road. She was walking so fast with it, Daddy struggled to get a picture, so here she is taking a break! We're finally starting to gear up for Christmas. Mommy's going to decorate our tree now - maybe we'll get a picture of it on the next blog (unless Michaela's pulled it over by then!).

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