The end of 2007

Lots on since the last blog. Bookstart Christmas party was the same day as the Toddlers Christmas party, so we had a very busy day that day! The Santa at Bookstart was Uncle Steven, but as you can see from the look on Michaela's face, she didn't know it.
Daddy put up the icicle lights Mommy bought last year, but unfortunately, the wind has come, so they're in the guttering and probably won't be taken out until they're taken down. But you can see that they once looked good!
The Bigton Hall also puts on a Christmas party, so here's Michaela getting her gift from Santa. This time she had more of an idea what happens, so was pleased to go get her present and rip it open. Mommy got a plait in Michaela's hair for the first time the other day. Turns out Michaela's hair is so soft, Mommy struggles to do anything with it - what a problem to have!
We didn't put out any presents under the Christmas tree in fear of Michaela ripping them all open. So here are Michaela's presents on Christmas morning after Santa had been.
And here she is opening one of her favourites. After we opened a few smaller gifts, Michaela spotted the big boxes at the back and thought they must have something interesting in them, so she wouldn't open anything else until she got to open the big boxes! Michaela was such an angel opening her presents. She wanted to play with each toy as she opened them, so it took two days to get everything opened! This is day two of present opening. Mommy got a popcorn maker from Auntie Ivanna for Christmas because Michaela loves pop-pop. Mommy made her some pop-pop and put it in the cute popcorn boxes Auntie Ivanna sent over and that was Michaela happy for ages, just sitting eating her popcorn, watching tv (or wee-wee as she calls it). Check out her little bracelet she got from Owen for Christmas - she loves wearing it.
On the 30th, it was a lovely day in Shetland, cold, but very lovely. Granny Pat, Grandad, Daddy and Michaela went to Maywick Beach for a wander. Michaela wouldn't leave Granny Pat's side that whole day! Michaela LOVED Christmas. She's loved having loads of family around, all the visiting, the new toys, but especially the FOOD! Michaela's even been eating brussel sprouts!

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