Getting bad at this - rest of Nov

Okay okay, bad blogging, but hopefully this amount of pictures will keep everyone happy!

Daddy discovered that Michaela just loves to eat pomegranates! She was even getting upset if any piece fell on the floor, she loved them that much. A bit messy, but we're so happy she seems to love most fruits.
Since winter is now here, Mommy has been wearing her boots. As usual, Michaela just loves to wear Mommy's boots at any given opportunity, so here she is. Unfortunately, they were so big on her that she fell over and was a bit upset. But not upset enough to want to take them off!
Michaela is very pleased to be a big girl and spends a lot of time playing with her dolls. Here she is feeding Upsy Daisy, who she calls Daisy Do. We even have to get her bib out so she can put it on her dolls before they can eat!

And here are two of her favourite toys - Daisy Do and Baby. This is her getting them to give each other a kiss. Michaela is pretty good at giving kisses now - we always get one when we're leaving for work in the mornings and before bed at night. Other than that, it's most definitely at Michaela's discretion.

That's most of the rest of November taken care of. On to the first December blog.....

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