On to the November news

Mom got an email through about 17 month olds and it said they should know a few words now, say up to 5 or something like that. So Mom and Dad decided to compile a list to see how many words Michaela uses in the correct context (when she's in the right mood, she'll repeat just about anything you say, so those words don't count). And we came up with about 60 words!!!! We just couldn't believe it. Now I wonder where she got the ability to chat away from........

We went to visit one of our neighbours at the start of the month and they have a cat house in their shed. Michaela found this very exciting and stood at the opening so she could pet the cats as they tried to get out. Luckily for her, their cats are very friendly.

Michaela's love of music doesn't stop with the guitar, she has discovered Daddy's mouth organ and loves playing it. At the weekend, Mom and Dad take turns for who gets to have a long sleep and Mom sometimes wakes up with Michaela playing the 'moothie' as she calls it. You would think it might annoy me, but it doesn't, it is literally, music to my ears!

Auntie Ivanna brought over loads of winter jackets for Michaela and Mom thought this one was really funny - it makes Michaela look like she's got no neck. Hmm, I wonder if it's just a little bit too big for her yet?
Michaela has finally started having a proper interest in books. Sometimes you can actually get through a whole story with her before she goes running off. Here she is reading a pop-up book with Granny Up-By.
Here's a pic of Michaela with Uncle Lionel - and it gets to combine two of her favourite things - TV and food!
As a laugh, Auntie Ivanna posted over a jacket with loads of frogs on it because it's the running joke that Daddy has an obsession with frogs (long story, but he'll say it's definitely not true!). What was supposed to be a joke, isn't anymore. Michaela likes to wear the jacket and she actually gets complimented on it.
Michaela has been to the eye clinic to see about her slight squint and they've decided that she should wear glasses and they'll check her again in February. So Mommy and Granny took her to the opticians on Wednesday to find glasses for her. To everyone's surprise, she was really great about trying on the glasses, so fingers crossed she'll actually wear them when we get them. We assume she's fine with them because Mommy wears glasses. As soon as we get the glasses, I'll try to get the blog updated with a photo.


Unknown said...

Wow you have been busy blogging, Michaela!! Love all the photos xx Burra Boy

Peerie Smoorikins said...

She is so beautiful. And she looks just like you, Ruth. I can't wait to see her in February.