The big holiday, part 4 - San Diego Zoo

We all went to the San Diego Zoo while we were on holiday (except Granny who stayed home to watch the dogs). It took a little while to get there, so by the time we were there, it was already hot outside. Sometimes instead of walking around, Michaela hitched a lift with Auntie Ivanna.
The first place Michaela wanted to get to was the elephants, which of course was about the furthest away from the entrance as you could get!
But when we got there, one of the elephants decided to head directly for us, which was so exciting for Michaela.

We got to see lots of animals, including koalas, camels, meerkats and birds. Probably one of the highlights for Michaela was getting to meet the Hippo walking around.
They also had a children's zoo section which had a play area (leading to a bit of a fall out between Michaela and Mommy as she didn't want to stop playing) and also a petting zoo. There were sheep and goats to touch there. Michaela got to pet a goat.
And another goat decided to come up by Mommy and the boys (Isaiah left, Alex right).
And Michaela and Auntie Ivanna had some fun.
Even though it was really hot and a really long day, all the kids did so well. Especially the boys, for sitting in their buggy for all that time. There were quite a few hills, so it was a bit tiring pushing them both up hill, but definitely worth it.

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