The big holiday, part 2 - The boys turn 1!

The morning of the little boys' birthday and here they are eating up their breakfast - Isaiah left, Alex right.
Already, by day two, Alex had struck up a good friendship with Kali. And Kali was so patient with Alex, as you can see!

The day of the boys' birthday, we were having a huge celebration as cousin Samantha's birthday is just a few days before. And since all the US relatives hadn't seen Michaela, Shelby decided to make it a birthday party for her too!
Samantha just loved being able to do all the things her big cousin Michaela could. When Michaela splashed in the pool, so did Sammy. But of course, as we would find out time and time again, Kali had to be there as protection whenever anyone's in the pool.
Auntie Jean and Uncle Hop were still out in America for the birthday party, so it was great to see them again after soooooo long! Here's Auntie Jean with Isaiah splashing (with Uncle Hop, Shelby and Sammy in the background).
We had a great meal - honey roast ham (Mommy's favourite), potato salad, beans, salad, macaroni cheese, etc. So much more than we could all eat. I think Alex was feeling pretty luck to be sitting with Uncle Hop and getting so much food to eat.
Here's Sammy's Dad, Dave, holding Isaiah. There was a house full at Auntie Ivanna's - All five of us; Granny &, Auntie Ivanna; Shelby, Dave & Sammy; Auntie Jean & Uncle Hop; Yvette; Sammy's other granny and one of Auntie Ivanna's pals.
After all the swimming and eating, we finally got down to open presents. Surprisingly, the boys did take a little bit of interest in opening presents, but there were so many, they couldn't open them all. Thank goodness big sister Michaela was there to help out!
And Sammy, all tired from the exciting day, cuddled up watching her favourite DVD.
It was a brilliant day and so fantastic to have so much family around to help celebrate. Unfortunately for the boys, with everything going on, we ended up only eating the cake after they'd gone to bed!

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