Another month has passed and we can hardly believe it! And what a gorgeous month it has been. May seems to be the month for the best weather in Shetland and this May has not disappointed us. Michaela is nearly 3 and is full of energy.

The boys have discovered the joys of moving around and are generally very happy and content playing away themselves, together, or with Michaela. Here's Alex on his way to meet me.

Nice close up of him (spot Isaiah looking in the background).

So here's Isaiah realising he's in view now too!

And now on his way to the action.

We're starting to give Michaela a bit more freedom. She's allowed to play in the garden herself and go to the playpark with her friend and grab fruit herself. Here she is using her orange as a ring!

Now that the boys can move around so much, we have to keep an eye on Michaela's play room. All the little bits have to be put up high away from them (although they're now reaching higher than we expected). So now they have a new room to explore. Here's Isaiah playing with the castanet.

And Michaela keeping an eye on Alex (back) and Isaiah (front).

Since the weather has been really good, we've been trying to get out into the garden to play a bit more. This has sometimes proved a bit tricky with two little boys. But we've taken out the travel cot for them to play in (see below). Unfortunately, it isn't quite big enough to stop them fighting, so we've now got a 2m x 2m picnic blanket and have borrowed a Baby Dan gate thing which should be enough space.

The boys are very different to Michaela at this age as they absolutely love going in the bath. Here's Alex (just before we stopped using the bath seats).

Michaela gets a bit upset with the boys splashing too much in the bath. So now the solution is goggles, or she just gets them turned around so they can't splash her!

As we've said many times before, Isaiah and Alex are extremely happy little boys. They get left to play a lot and there's not as much fighting as you would imagine. Here's our cheeky monkey Isaiah.

Isaiah (l), Alex (r)

And again.

For a week we had Ella and Hope up visiting (the kids' second cousins) and we really enjoyed it. They were brilliant with the boys and Michaela loved having older cousins to play with! Here's Ella holding Alex.

And Hope doing her model pose with Isaiah.

And Hope again with Isaiah.

And Ella again with Alex. I think Ella normally got Alex because he's heavier and she's older. It seemed to work out quite well that way.

They took Michaela down to the beach one afternoon. Michaela wasn't too sure about it at first - the sand got in her toes and the water kept moving and sand got on her orange. But, after seeing how much fun Ella and Hope were having, she decided to join in. She didn't get in the sea though - that was just a step too far. Michaela would tell you her favourite bit was getting to climb on the rocks!

Normally Michaela's hair is tied up in a ponytail or a plait, so we took this opportunity to get a picture of her hair down.

Mommy and Michaela were just mucking around with the camera and managed to get a half-decent shot of the two of us!

Alex has turned into the stronger of the twins, so he's finding his feet a lot easier. Can't quite pull himself up to stand, but is happy to stand once someone gets him there.

Sunday was the best day Shetland has had so far, weather-wise. Here are the boys outside playing at Michaela's pal's birthday party. Here's hoping the rest of the summer will stay as nice!
1 comment:
I love the pic of you and Michaela!!! And the boys are changing so fast! I wonder what they will look like in Sept when I get to see them again! Hope Michaela had a great birthday today! love you guys.... Ivanna
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