Not much went on for most of November, just normal family life. We're still planning things to do on most days so Michaela has some excitement and it gets Mom out of the house too. But one day Michaela's pals Ruby and Ella came over to play. You can see from the picture how much fun they have together.

Alex at 2 months old.

Isaiah at 2 months old. We just love the expressions he gets!

Both boys had their first lot of injections and they were amazing really. They were both sleeping before the injections, woke up enough to cry and object to having the injections done, and fell asleep again before Mommy could even get their jackets back on them and put them in their car seat! Next injections are tomorrow, so here's hoping they'll react much the same.
Typical day at the Christie household - Mommy holding Isaiah, with Michaela holding Alex!

The boys have started getting bottles now. Usually we just give them one at night before bed. But a few weeks ago, Mommy went out and wasn't home in time for their next feed, so here's Auntie Jean giving Alex his bottle.

Mommy's best pal from school, Robyn, came up to visit. And her timing couldn't have been better - she stayed for a week while Granny was visiting Auntie Ivanna in America for two weeks. Unfortunately, we weren't great at taking photos, but here's one the night before she left.
We've been attempting to get a good photo of all three kids, but I think it's still eluding us somewhat. Anyway, here's one of our better attempts, although Isaiah is sleeping.

Don't they look so much older here?
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