And we're all home - at last!

We came home from Aberdeen on Monday and Michaela looked like a giant!!!! Mommy missed her like mad while away, so was extremely happy to see her not so little girl again. And even though Daddy had only been away since Wednesday, he was so glad to see her again too. Michaela was very excited to meet her little brothers and couldn't even wait for us to get in the house - she helped get them out of the car. Here she is holding Isaiah.
And her holding a much calmer Alex.
Michaela thought it was only right that her baby got to go in the pram with our babies!
And here they are snuggled up together (Isaiah on the left, Alex on the right). Daddy was a bit distressed that we had to dress Isaiah in pink, but we'd run out of newborn clothes, so only had pink left until Mommy got the laundry done and the clothes sorted out.
And here's big sister with the boys (Alex left, Isaiah right).
Getting home was such a good feeling, especially so Mommy could sleep in her comfy bed again! Michaela has been fantastic with the boys - always wanting to give cuddles and kisses and hold them on her lap. Unfortunately for her (fortunately for Mommy and Daddy), the boys are really sleepy babies. We sometimes don't know what to do with ourselves, but we're not complaining!

The first night home was awful - at one point, all three kids were up! But, it's been getting better each night since we've been home. We've fallen into a bit of a system, where Daddy takes one to the spare bedroom and they sleep, while Mommy stays with one and they sleep. Then we swap during the night depending on when each one has been fed. This seems to give us all more sleep than being in the same room, but it's another bad habit we'll have to break eventually. At the moment, we just don't care as long as there's some sleeping going on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


you are a lovely family ... michaela seems so happy !!!

all the best for you five !!!
lots of love
jessica and lorenzo