We all survived the weekend, just the week to go!

Mom made it back from the weekend trip to Orkney for the volleyball inter-county. The Shetland women lost, but were pleased with the amount of points taken, considering Orkney have been training hard for ages in their preparation for the Island Games. Bring on March! On a really positive point, mom was the captain for the Shetland women - what an honour! And the Shetland men won, so all was not lost.

Dad and Michaela got on great without mom. Maybe that means dad should have Michaela to himself every weekend?

So, all mom has to do is cope with this week alone with Michaela. So far it has not been a good start - she woke at 5am and has been grumpy for most of the day, but on the bright side, she's fallen asleep at 8pm.

Anyway, mom liked the photo above because it shows Michaela after she's fallen asleep listening to her dad play guitar - apparantly this is a regular occurence. Not sure what that says for dad's guitar talents........


Grandad/Uncle Hop said...

Glad you made it home. Dad just wanted to show he can do it without the Auntie's and Uncles in the way. Guess we will just have to come down for the guitar playing...we could all do for a sleep.


hoodiehoodie said...

I guess Mom will just have to go away more often and leave Dad to it since he got on so well!