Okay, this is our first time trying to post a blog, so here goes. We've set this up really as a site for friends and family members to link on to see what we've been up to, or more importantly, what Michaela has been up to.
So, what can we say? Michaela's now 24 and a half weeks old and is doing great. She can sit up, roll over, blow raspberries, laugh, play on her own for a bit and has just started eating solids (see photo above).
People told us the time will go by fast and we didn't ever believe them, especially in those first few weeks when it was lots of crying and little sleep! But to think she's nearly six months old is amazing. It's almost hard to remember what life was like before she arrived.
Anyway, this is too late at night to keep going on. Hopefully we'll keep updating at least once a week - we'll see..............
Aye I know the feeling well, welcome to the blog community, don't forget to secure your comments to stop weirdo's from posting in your comments!
Whoops, too late!
Never been a member of the blog community (?) before but here goes. Hi all.
You'll love doing da blog, and it's amazing whaur all da comments will come fae! We're only logging in fae da wilds o' Burra, but I keen wir blog has had comments fae Australia, South Africa and Canada.... amazing, isn't it?! Looking forward to clicking on again to see how you are all getting on xx Janice, Jerry and Ian
Hey peerie Mickey Lou.
Glad tae see du's usin dat net aaready, startin young.
Unkie Stevie x
Please don't start with the Mickey Lou name - mom has been trying her hardest to stop it being used!
Well, not sure if my comments made it..will check again. I had to sign in..all of things..hum..
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