Today Michaela had carrots for the first time. And amazingly, she was even opening her mouth for the next spoonful to get in! She didn't take much, but she seemed to enjoy it far better than the baby rice. But now the spoon and her bib are stained orange - not looking forward to what might come out the other end tomorrow.....
And for other new things, this weekend mom is going away..........alone! So dad will have Michaela all to himself from Friday afternoon until Sunday night. Both parents are looking forward to the weekend and are nervous about it at the same time. We're sure it'll all be fine, but just a bit strange for the both of us (and for Michaela too). Then dad goes away on Monday morning until Friday night, so that'll be mom's first time alone with Michaela. Here's hoping she'll be a little angel for us.
Special thanks to Lesley for being the photographer today and to Nic for the plastic bib/shirt.