Still late, but not as bad as before!
December has flown by for us. Daddy started a new job at the end of November, so December has certainly been a learning curve for Mommy to work out how to do everything with four kids! But, we're getting there, albeit with lots of help from Granny Up-By.
The older three kids are brilliant with Lena, as you can see from the photo of Alex holding her. Both boys just dote on her and seem to be really gentle with her as well.

Here's Lena at about 5 weeks old. We see her very much like Michaela. But, she's got blue eyes, so Daddy's happy there's finally something from him in the kids!

Michaela helped Mommy bake a cake for Granny Up-By's birthday. She's very good at baking, but we just don't get the time to do it very often.

On the 13th, it was the Toddler Group's Christmas party. The older three kids absolutely loved it! And Lena slept through the whole thing - amazing. Here's Alex eating up.

And Isaiah.

Cheeky monkeys still eating while everyone else was busy playing. You would think they're never fed at home!

And now Isaiah and Michaela eating all the adults' food leftovers.

Alex getting his present from Santa. The other kids were far too quick in getting the presents for Mommy to take a photo!

Michaela and loads of her pals getting their photo taken with Santa. Can't believe it's Michaela's last year going to the Toddlers' Christmas party - but I guess we've got loads more to go to with the other three!

On the 15th, it was the school Christmas plays. Michaela was Mary, but thought it was boring and wanted to be a sheep! This is her noticing where we were sitting to watch it.

And on the 18th, there was the Bigton Christmas party. Here's Alex getting his present.

And Isaiah getting his.

And Michaela getting hers!

Alex got a policeman's outfit

And Isaiah got a pirate's outfit. Lucky for them as all the dressing up clothes we have in the house are for girls, so now they don't have to wear dresses all the time!

Michaela got a jelly mold as part of her Christmas present from Auntie Nan and Uncle Lionel. She was so proud of her cat jelly!

Our little cheeky monkeys on their whale see saw.

Christmas Eve and Alex (and Isaiah) got sledges from Granny Up-By. Before even opening it, they both said sledge, how cute!

Michaela had to go out on Christmas Eve to sprinkle her Christmas Dust! It had oats for the reindeer to eat and sugar to light the way to our door. And it worked, as Santa did visit our house!

Christmas Day!

Now, who drew with their markers on their noses and not on the paper?!

Lena has been an amazingly easy baby for us - thank goodness with three others under 5! Here she is in her Christmas outfit on Christmas Day.

And the boys still wanted to wear their hats on Boxing Day.

Auntie Ivanna was home for Christmas this year (although nearly not making it with travel delays due to the snow!). Beautiful pic of her and Lena.

And Alex is our little climber. He's been in a bed for a good few months now since he could climb out, but not back in, to his cot. And now he's mastered climbing over the stair gate - what a fun game he's discovered!

What else to say? We're getting on really good as a family of 6. New car, well not car, but minibus, has been bought so we can take the whole family out. Daddy now works at Sullom Voe. Good that he's got a job, but the travelling means less time at home for him, which is hard.
Alex is potty training and, as all kids, has ups and downs with it. The week before Christmas, only two accidents in five days, but since Christmas, loads of peeing accidents! We'll get there eventually I'm sure. Isaiah is showing signs of wanting to potty train, but Mommy is not able to potty train both, along with a young baby. Hopefully he'll start soon, once Alex has really cracked it.
Anyway, thanks for bearing with us over the lack of blog posting. Will try to be more up on it in 2011. Happy New Year!