Loads and loads of photos uploaded onto this one. Just having a hard time remembering where we're at with it all. Anyway, the boys are certainly on the move now. They can get anywhere pretty much, so there's lots of closing doors and stair gates that goes on in our house. Leave them alone for a minute and it's mayhem. Unlike their sister, the boys (particularly Alex) have discovered opening drawers and cupboards in the kitchen - oh yeah, and Alex's discovered the bin! Here they are playing in a kitchen drawer. Unfortunately, it ended badly for Isaiah (left).

June was glorious weather in Shetland, so we made the most of it by being outside lots and got the paddling pool out finally (which Nicola bought for Michaela a year or two ago). Here's Michaela playing with Cerys in our garden. You can just see St. Ninian's Isle in the background.

At the end of June, the Bigton Hall ran a fun run from the Hall to Maywick and back (4 1/2 miles) or from the Hall to Vatster and back (2 1/2 miles). It was another gorgeous day, so we took the kids and entered. Michaela, Daddy, Michelle and Cerys went to Vatster and back, but Michaela was apparently a grump for most of it. And Mommy and Nicola took Isaiah and Alex to Maywick and back. Afterwards there was a barbeque and prize-giving at the Hall. We're hoping it'll be an annual event. Here's Michaela on her way back from Vatster, with Michelle having to push a buggy and Cerys in the trike behind.

Michaela with her medal.

And Alex and Isaiah with their medals.

Another outing for Daddy and Michaela down to the beach at Ireland.

And looking in the burn.

And our youngest member of the Bigton Rowing Club (see www.bigtonrowingclub.co.uk). Michaela is desperate to come out for a row. We know the life jacket fits, it's just finding a nice day to go out and other willing rowers, since practices are too close or after bed time.

Sometimes our boys can be the messiest eaters - Alex ......

and Isaiah

Luckily for us, all the kids seem to enjoy bathtime. Alex (left), Isaiah (middle) and Michaela (right).

Michaela is very keen to show her independence now, so we allow her to wash her fruit in the sink. Here she is washing her cherries.

Here are some pics of the boys at 10 months old. Isaiah .....

Both playing with a book ........

and Alex.


Isaiah (with a reflection of Alex in the glass).

The Bigton Regatta was on the 18th July this year. The weather looked to be atrocious, but somehow it stayed dry and not too windy for the races. Lots of wind and rain before and after. But it gave us a chance to take the kids down. Here's Michaela with her first face painting.

And Isaiah and Alex in the buggy on the beach.

And finally our little girl who is so scared of the sea, managed to go in herself. She found a new friend to play with and that little girl loved going in the sea, so Michaela joined in. We're really pleased so trips to the beach will be a bit more fun now.

A few days later and the weather came back to being gorgeous. There was a basking shark spotted so Mommy took the camera out for rowing practice. Unfortunately, it was gone by the time practice came, but I took a few photos anyway. Here's a picture of the village. Our house is a little bit to the left of the middle (good luck in trying to spot it).

And as usual, I try to take self-portrait photos. Thought this one wasn't too bad.

One day we went for a visit to see the other twin boys that will be in Isaiah and Alex's class at school. Their Mom took a great photo of the four of them, from left to right, Lewis, Alex, Isaiah, and Cameron. They're exactly 26 weeks older than our boys. Poor teacher.

Daddy took Michaela to the beach and got some good photos. Here's our beach on the walk down to it. See Oscar Charlie (the coastguard helicopter)?

And a new favourite - building sand castles.....

and destroying them again!

Daddy and Michaela had a camp out in the garden. They're hoping to go camping and fishing soon, but we had to try it out in the garden first. All went well, so next available weekend, they'll be off! Of course Michaela had to take lots of her dolls with her to bed.

Michaela and Daddy 'sleeping'. Spot Michaela's cheeky smile as she pretends to sleep for the picture.

And on the 29th of July, it was the toddler group's annual visit to Trondra Farm. Mommy was working so couldn't go, but Michelle took Michaela with her and Cerys. Here's they are with Jacob feeding the hens.

And on that note, I suppose the only other big news is that Mommy went back to work. Started back on the 1st of July, three days a week. It's been a promotion as well, so it's busy busy busy for us all. The boys have settled into nursery no problem and Michaela always has been good going there. And Granny Up-By takes care of Michaela one day a week and all three of them one day a week! Lucky us for having Granny nearby.