And here is the proof of the chicken pox. Everyone got it quite bad - literally covered head to toe. Here's Alex with his on 2nd March.

And of course, we were just starting the boys with eating solids while all of this was going on. Luckily, it didn't seem to bother their appetite at all! Here's Alex with his baby rice.

And Isaiah eating his (before he was really covered in spots).

This is Michaela on 3rd March, with most of her spots crusted over.

And Isaiah following behind on the 4th of March with his spots. Surprisingly, he seemed to get it less so than Michaela and Alex. But even so, it was tough being stuck in the house for two weeks with everyone ill.

It's amazing how long it takes for the spots to completely go after getting chicken pox. We seemed to be picking scabs out of Michaela's hair for weeks! Here she is holding Alex.

Check out how much food the boys eat. And this was only about a week after starting solids properly!

Michaela is really into pretend play at the moment. Sometimes Mommy steps into the wrong place and manages to step onto her nursery, or Bookstart, or the shop, or whatever! One game she particularly likes to play is putting all of her dolls/babies/teddies to sleep. So she gets a book or paper and puts it under their heads for a pillow and another one on top for a blanket (see below).

And here are the boys 6 months old. Can hardly believe it that this time around things are moving so quickly. You can really see the difference in their weights in this photo - Alex is the chubber on the left, with our little Isaiah on the right. I weighed them two weeks after this photo was taken and Alex was 15lb 9oz and Isaiah was 14lb exactly.

Smiley Alex.

Concentrating Isaiah.

The boys really love playing and seeing how many things they can get into. We got this activity centre when Michaela was a baby and the boys just love it. Especially since there are so many things they can chew on! Here's Isaiah having fun.

Both boys are really strong and can now move themselves around. But it seems Alex is more on the go now than Isaiah as he'll actually push himself around the floor and roll around to get where he wants. Now if we leave the room and come back, you can never be sure where they might be. One thing both boys do love doing is push themselves up to look like they're flying - here's Alex doing that.

And not forgetting Michaela. She's really a girl now, and not so much a toddler. Just look how grown up she looks in this photo!

Daddy and Michaela decided to bake Mommy gingerbread men for Mother's Day. Unfortunately, Daddy forgot they might expand a bit, but Mommy still loves the result!

On the 26th, Michaela finally had her first hair cut. When we first discussed getting her hair cut, she was very upset because she didn't want to look like Daddy! But we went along to watch one of Mommy's friends get her hair cut first to show that it's easy and doesn't hurt and doesn't have to be a shaved head like Daddy! This is Daddy's cousin Dawna cutting her hair.

Michaela was really good for her hair cut and sat really well in the chair. And here's all the hair that was chopped off.

On Sunday morning, Daddy managed to get some really good photos of all three kids (which never seems to happen), so we couldn't resist putting them on the blog for everyone to see! Isaiah, Alex then Michaela.

Not much else really going on here. Just normal life for us - Toddlers on Monday and Wednesday, Michaela still goes to the Sandwick nursery on a Tuesday, sometime 11 o'clocks on Thursday and Kindergym on Friday. We've not really managed to get back into swimming after the chicken pox, but we'll hopefully get going with that again soon. Because our weeks are pretty routine, Michaela almost always asks just before she goes to bed 'what will we do after my sleep?'.
The boys are in their own bedroom now. It was pretty tough to begin with, with lots of getting up in the night, but they're not too bad now. It would just be really good if they would both have their really good nights on the same night, instead of on different nights. It is getting there though. Mommy's going to try to get their napping during the day sorted out soon. It's still very unstructured and short, but Michaela was the same at their age and got better, so we know there's hope to get them into 1-2 longer naps. It was going to be worked on a few weeks ago, but then we got chicken pox, so it's been on hold.
As usual, we hope not to leave it as long before blogging again........but don't hold your breath!