Lots of the family was home for Shelby and Dave's hamefaerin' (for non-Shetlanders, that's a wedding ceremony/dance a little while after the actual wedding). Michaela loved having everyone home, especially her second cousins, Ella, Hope and Samantha. Unfortunately, Mommy wasn't thinking too much about taking photos, so don't have many of them together. Here she is on the way to the hamefaerin' in her pretty summer dress and sandals.
And this is Mommy and Michaela at the ceremony, which was outside Auntie Jean and Uncle Hop's house.
Mommy's been trying to pack in as much swimming as possible before going to Aberdeen because Michaela's so good at it, we don't want her to regress. Here she is pretending she's the lifeguard.
And Mommy and Michaela in the baby pool. Usually we go with Michaela's best pal Cerys, but they were on holiday, so it was just us.
Michaela's been ill since Saturday with some kind of virus. It's made her have a fever, a weepy eye, go off food (very strange for our little girl), and need lots of naps. Mommy needs naps just now too, so here we are having a snooze! Check out the size of Mommy's bump!
And the rest of the news. Well, Mommy had to go to Aberdeen on Tuesday for her 34 week check with the twin clinic. The babies are growing really well - one was measuring exact dates and the other was measuring bigger. The bigger baby (who is called left twin) was practicing breathing during the scan too, so that was amazing to see! So after the scan, the doctor asked if I wanted to go back home and I said well, I'm booked on the 3:30 flight! So, he said I could come back home until August 25th. How exciting, but also how worrying. We're just hoping now that he wasn't wrong and I'll hold on to these babies for that long - no twinges or anything, so no reason to think otherwise.
They nearly didn't let me on the flight though and I think if I'd said it was twins, they definitely wouldn't have let me on the flight. Luckily, I was already on the plane and had a bag checked in and they were running late, otherwise, they might have kicked me off!
When I go back to Aberdeen on the 25th, it's for admission onto the labour ward. I think what they do is give me a check and if everything's fine, check me out of the ward and into the island accommodation in the hospital. But when I phoned Aberdeen to check what time I had to admit myself onto the ward, they asked was that for a C-section the next day! My how I freaked out and said no, no, no. And then they said that was fine, that's just usually the case when someone has a date booked in advance, but now they know.
So, the next week and a half will be spent resting as much as I can so that I don't encourage these babies to come early, although that's easier said than done with Michaela running around!