Lots and lots of pictures!!!

After being so bad at taking pictures recently, Daddy and Mommy decided to make an effort to take more pictures of Michaela. And now it seems we have loads to show everyone, so this is a big blog, picture wise.

We all know Michaela is a climber, but she seems to have had a bit of a growth spurt recently too. So (excuse the coming pun), but her climbing has reached new heights! The other day, she discovered how to climb onto our coffee table (see pic below). It's so cute because she's worked out that if she opens the drawer and steps inside, it gives her that little bit of extra height she needs to be able to climb up. And today, she managed to climb onto the futon all by herself. So we've now got to watch out a bit more.

Dunno why, but Mommy just loves this picture!

And of course, the usual bath photos. In these ones, you can see Michaela's toothbrush, which she seems to love.

And here she is taking down a stack of blocks. She does like playing with the blocks. Daddy has seen her manage to stack five up herself!

This week at Toddlers, there's been a special guest artist. There's a black board with pre-cut holes in it, which the kids get to put wires and pipe cleaners through and also draw on the board. Michaela loved it so much, she even skipped snack time! Anna (the artist) thinks Michaela's the youngest child she's worked with using this. Mommy was so amazed to see Michaela put the wire through the hole. It was also funny to see how scared she got when a bit of pipe cleaner would come through the board from another kid pushing it through from the other side! Maybe Michaela's got some of her Daddy's artistic side, because it certainly does not come from Mommy!

Spending time with Daddy

Mommy and Michaela went to see Michaela's second cousin Iris a few weeks ago, along with Amy and her boys. Michaela had such a fun time there, so we'll hopefully make the time to go along more often. Here's a picture of her relaxing while we were there!
Daddy has been off work for the last two weeks, so he's had loads of time with Michaela. Especially since Mommy decided to have a short holiday south Thursday to Monday. Fortunately, Michaela is quite an easy girl to take care of, so Daddy had a great time with her while Mommy was away. They even got along Daddy's grandparents twice - here's a pic of Michaela with Daddy's Granny (especially for you Auntie Carol!).
And while Mommy was at work one day, Owen and Lesley came along for a play. Daddy attempted to get a good picture of the two of them on the back of the couch, but it didn't quite work. Oh well, as you can see, they had a great time trying!
Michaela's speaking continues to come on loads. She can say upstairs, thank you (although Mommy still hasn't heard it yet), shop, and loads more. Everyday she's learning a new word - it's amazing! And, she's started telling us when she has or is about to poop, but this can also just mean a fart. But, we're trying to listen to her and last night she pooped in her potty! I don't think we're ready for potty training yet, but if she wants to go in her potty, of course we'll encourage her.