Not much excitement
Unfortunately, there's not been too much on, so the blogging is very late. But, here's what we've been up to. A few weeks ago, it was the Burra rowing regatta. Since we've got so many Burra relations, most of the Bigton family turned up for it. Here's Auntie Nan and Michaela walking up the hill from the regatta to the Hall. It took a very long time, but Michaela was so proud of herself for being able to walk the distance!
A couple of nights before Ella and Hope went home, Ella came over and fed Michaela her dinner. Ella was so good at it and Michaela enjoyed having someone else help.
On Saturday, Daddy decided to take out the chute we got from Nicola (it was James's many years ago - he's nearly 16 now!). Michaela loved it as she usually only gets to play on one like this at Toddlers. She was pretty good at climbing up the stairs, but wasn't sure how to get her feet out from under her to actually go down properly so she still needed a bit of help. Daddy did say that once she just fell face first down the slide, but she thought it was funny. Luckily for Mom and Dad, Michaela isn't usually very bothered if she falls down - maybe it's because we don't make a big deal of it, or is that called neglect?!
Owen came up for a play too, so here he is going down the slide.
What else can I say? Just some very typical weeks. Next week will be more exciting because Auntie Joyce gets married on Saturday, so most of the Bigton family is home for it (Shelby will be missing because she's due to have a baby on the 14th of September and Uncle Hop is still in the States - come home you two!).
More excitement this week
Dad and Michaela went for a walk to the Ayre of Ireland last weekend. Now that Michaela can walk, she is obsessed! She hardly ever wants to hold your hand when out because she's a big, walking girl now.
Michaela's second cousins are home at the moment, so she's been having fun playing with them. Here she is at the play park with Ella and Hope. (In fact, you can see their mum, Michele walking in the background)
Dad took Michaela up north to see his grandparents on Monday. Yet again, she found great joy in getting into the cat's bed.
And Wednesday was the Cunningsburgh Show. We went last year, but Michaela was so young and it was a miserable day, we didn't really have any fun. But this year was great! The highlights of the Show for Michaela were sitting on the tractor.........
...... and playing on the bouncy castle. The little girl in the white jacket is Michaela's third cousin Maya. Mom wasn't sure Michaela would ever come off the bouncy castle, but she did eventually!
Next year, we're hoping Dad will take the day off work too, so he can see how much fun she had at the Show!
Visit to Trondra Farm
Bigton Toddlers had a visit to Trondra Farm on the 1st of August. Michaela loved going to the farm. Here she is on a pig! We were able to go in with the pigs and pet them, so she liked being that close to the animals.
After seeing the pigs, we saw the ponies. Then we got to feed the birds. Michaela was such a mess after this as Mom just let her do what she wanted, so she sat with the birds and dumped the feed on herself and the ground, and crawled around with them. She just loved it though!
We decided to give Michaela a jar of food one night and this is the result! Dad says we're not using jars again unless we have to as it's too messy.
Usually in the mornings, Dad and Michaela empty the dishwasher. She's so happy to be able to help Dad with the dishes!
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