Nicola got Michaela a corn popper for Christmas and it's only now that she's getting the benefits of the toy. She loves pushing it around and hearing the noise that it makes. Also, now that she's walking, we can put her in dresses.
On Friday, she discovered Mom's smucks. Michaela has an obsession with putting on shoes, either on herself, or on other people, it doesn't matter. So, she managed to get Mom's smucks on her feet and walk around in them! Thank goodness Mom doesn't have many pairs of high heels!
Last night, Mom found a pair of shoes Auntie Ivanna bought for Michaela ages ago, but were too big for her. Well, she is now fitting in size 4, so we tried them on today. Unfortunately, Michaela's feet are so wide, the velcro couldn't attach properly around her feet. But it's all okay as Michaela has discovered they make a great hand toy!
Today also is the first day Michaela got a ponytail in her hair. She wasn't very pleased with Mom trying to get it in, but didn't mind once it was done. Her hair isn't quite long enough for one ponytail, so it fell out easily later on, but it's not far off! See how old she looks.
This afternoon, Michaela went wandering from the sitting room, but we thought she was in the hallway playing. After a few minutes, we heard her screaming, but that's not unusual as she's just recently discovered how much noise she can make screaming for fun! So, Mom eventually went to investigate and instead found Michaela on the dining table!!!!! A few days ago, she discovered she could climb onto the dining chairs, so today she went one step further! Can you believe it?
We had just started shutting the kitchen door so she couldn't go in without supervision, but apparently Mom and Dad forgot today - eeek! The one good thing is that she was screaming so someone would help her down - she seems to have the sense to know she can't get down herself. But how much longer will that last?