I am bad

Okay, okay, I have done a really, really bad job of keeping the blog updated. But, I am going to blame it on going back to work and Jonathan going on a course for a few days - neither of which really affected my blogging ability, but they are good enough excuses.

So, the pics. Below is a picture of Michaela's new shoes. She seems to really like them and is standing much better wearing them. She's now at the stage of being able to balance for long periods of time, but she'd prefer to be holding on. She can also walk holding on to only one of your hands, but prefers to hold on to both. Luckily for Daddy, she didn't start walking while he was away, but Granny has gone away for five weeks, so she might start then. Here's hoping she doesn't - Mom isn't ready for a walking girl!

Michaela has started trying to feed herself with a spoon. So far Mom only allows her to do it when it's yogurt, but she is getting better each day! These last few days Michaela has become somewhat of a pig. She'll eat her meal, then eat a whole satsuma, then some grapes or raisins and maybe even a yogurt among all of that! We are so glad she likes fruit (which she obviously gets from her Daddy) since it's easy and healthy. We are those mean parents who haven't yet given her ice cream or biscuits or any of the 'good' stuff.On Sunday, it was Owen's Baptism, so Mom is now a Godmother! It was such a lovely day and both babies we so good in the church and for the rest of the day. After lunch, we decided to take Michaela to the playpark for the first time. She just loved it, so we ended up staying for over an hour! Here's Mom and Michaela coming down the slide (see the wooden house in the background on the left - that's ours so there's no excuses for why we've not been before!).And here's Michaela crawling down the ramp at the park. She also went on the swings. Uncle Hop came along too, so he took her around lots of the equipment while Mom and Dad just watched.
And Wednesday was Michaela's first full day at the nursery. She just loved it. So much so, that she only slept for 15 minutes in the morning and 25 minutes in the afternoon! But it meant she was so tired come bedtime, that she slept from 7pm until 7am - bliss!

Lots to catch up on

Here's a baby gathering at our house on Thursday afternoon (over a week ago). Michelle and I took our girls swimming - that's Cerys wearing the baseball cap. And when we got back, we watched Tabitha for a little while (she's in the background with Michelle). So we had a bit of time with the girls playing.

This is just a picture of Michaela in her high chair with one of her dummies that Mom won on a baby website. They're so cute because they have 'Michaela' written on them!

Here's a picture of one of Michaela's favourite games - make a mess! She just loves pulling all of Mom's catalogues (or magazines or newspapers or really anything she can get her hands on) off the shelf and just throwing them on the ground without looking at them. On Monday Granny came into the house to find Michaela surrounded by all of this mess.

On Tuesday Mom went back to work. It was really good and, surprisingly, Mom actually could remember bits of how to do her job! Unfortunately though, Michaela got ill on Tuesday night and was sick again on Wednesday morning and Thursday evening. So it was really difficult for Mom to go to work on Wednesday. Luckily it was Granny babysitting, so Mom knew Michaela was left in good hands! But it meant we couldn't go to the nursery on Thursday to check it out, so we'll do that on Monday instead.

Another of Michaela's favourite games is brushing teeth. She just loves to 'help' Mom brush her teeth in the morning.

On Thursday Auntie Ivanna came home, so we've been trying to spend a bit of time with her. The last time Auntie Ivanna saw Michaela was when we went to America in January, so she's noticed a huge difference in Michaela. But since Michaela is still a bit ill, Auntie Ivanna's not been able to see our usually happy little girl, but she has caught glimpses. Hopefully Michaela will be fully recovered before Auntie Ivanna goes on Monday afternoon.

We've also bought Michaela her first pair of proper, fitted shoes. Mom hasn't got a photo uploaded yet, but will do for the next blog. They are so cute, but also so expensive - £18 - and we've got to get her fitted every eight weeks! But Michaela seems to like them and we're finding they're great because she can't pull them off.

And on Friday, Michaela had her first sandwich - ham. She just loves, loves, loves bread, so thought this was a great lunch. She ate the ham too, but was more interested in shoving in as much bread as she possibly could! Anyway, think that's most of the news for now.